Distance Learning

This page has been designed to provide information and guides for parents and carers on distance learning and how to support your child.

The school will be delivering the curriculum through online learning from Monday 4th January 2021. The school will be open to support the children of Key Workers only if necessary.

If you are a key worker and need provision for your child, please complete the survey by clicking the button below.


Information and guides on how to support learners

Distance Learning Guidance

Guidance to parents and carers to support learners to stay safe and stay learning

Teams distance learning

A guide on using Microsoft Teams to complete assignments


A video showing how to support your child learning from home

Please remember that distance learning and live lessons are only for pupils to access; it is not appropriate for parents/carers to join in, due to safeguarding issues.


If you have any queries or concerns regarding your child's distance learning offer, please use the contact form below to contact their head of year directly.

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