A significant number of pupils choose to come to Cantonian from other schools at various points in their school career. Parents can ask us to admit their child to Cantonian at any stage of their child’s education. You can learn more about applying to our School by visiting here.
We have established close links with our partner primary schools and we take great care to ensure that the transition to Cantonian is an enjoyable one for our pupils. Click here for further information on Year 6 into Year 7 admissions.
If your child is ill or there is a family emergency, let us know on the first day they are away by using the report an absence feature on either Edulink or Class Charts.
If you do not contact the school on the first day of absence, or the absence is unauthorised, the Attendance Team will telephone or text message you to ask you to explain the absence.
We realise that there may sometimes be problems; so if we do not hear from you, our clerical staff will send you a letter or continue to phone you.
The Attendance & Wellbeing Officer may contact or visit you to ensure that you comply with the law and help you avoid prosecution.
Regular attendance at school is essential. Parents are urged not to book holidays in term time as local authority instructions request that we no longer authorise such absences.
You should telephone the main office on (029) 2041 5250. Please remember you may not be able to speak to the member of staff immediately due to their teaching commitments, but a message will be passed on.
Yes – our main email address is
You can also contact our key staff using the messaging feature on our school app.
When contacting the school to discuss any issue concerning your child, the usual sequence would be:
- Your child’s Form Tutor. Via the school app or telephone call to the main office (029) 2041 5250.
- The relevant Assistant Head of School via telephone call to the main office.