- White Shirt
- Grey clip-on tie with a red stripe
- Black V-neck jumper with red stripe
- Black tailored trousers (no leggings, jeggings, jeans, joggers or ankle grazers) or
- Black tailored skirt (must be no more than TWO inches above the knee) (no skater style, stretchy or lycra tube skirts)
- Optional black tailored school shorts during summer term only (must be tailored, school shorts - no PE/sports shorts, cycling shorts or hot pants)
- Black socks / black opaque tights
- Plain black footwear
- Outdoor coats only (no denim jackets, no hoodies or sweatshirts)
- White Shirt
- Grey clip-on tie with a blue stripe
- Black V-neck jumper
- Black tailored trousers (no leggings, jeggings, jeans, joggers or ankle grazers) or
- Black tailored skirt (must be no more than TWO inches above the knee) (no skater style, stretchy or lycra tube skirts)
- Optional black tailored school shorts during summer term only (must be tailored, school shorts - no PE/sports shorts, cycling shorts or hot pants)
- Black socks / black opaque tights
- Plain black footwear
- Outdoor coats only (no denim jackets, no hoodies or sweatshirts)
- White Shirt
- Grey clip-on tie with a purple stripe
- Grey V-neck jumper with purple stripe
- Black tailored trousers (no leggings, jeggings, jeans, joggers or ankle grazers) or
- Black tailored skirt (must be no more than TWO inches above the knee) (no skater style, stretchy or lycra tube skirts)
- Optional black tailored school shorts during summer term only (must be tailored, school shorts - no PE/sports shorts, cycling shorts or hot pants)
- Black socks / black opaque tights
- Plain black footwear
- Outdoor coats only (no denim jackets, no hoodies or sweatshirts)
- Black unisex training tops
- Black jogging bottoms / black shorts
- Black lightweight rugby shirt
- Black leggings / black skorts
- Optional black unisex PE hoodie
(must have the badge and only be worn for PE)
Hair Styles
Extremes of style, cut or colour are unsuitable for school, and are not permitted.
Make-Up & Nails
We do not encourage pupils to wear make-up and nail varnish to school. However, if it is worn it must be subtle and discreet.
The only jewellery allowed in school is:
- One small signet ring
- One small pair of stud earrings (one stud in each ear-lobe)
- One wrist watch
No necklaces, bracelets or anklets, facial, or other body piercings are permitted, including nose, tongue and belly.
The reasons are:
- We cannot be responsible for personal property.
- Large rings, earrings and body piercings can be a serious safety hazard.
Continuing to wear unacceptable jewellery after a warning will mean that it will be confiscated.
These rules apply at all times to both boys and girls and we enforce them strictly.
YC Sports are the sole supplier of our school uniform. You can ORDER ONLINE from WWW.YCSPORTS.COM - search under the ‘Schoolwear’ tab – My School. They also have shops at:
156 Cowbridge Road East
CF11 9ND
Tel: 029 2022 0246
5 Penlline Road
CF14 2AA
Tel: 029 2069 3653